6th overall and a medal for the first local!!
Well the annual “Kelly’s Canter” running race in Palmerston was on the 17th of October. Having grown up in Palmerston as a youngster I have been up and down the hill more times than I can remember. The race is a bout a 4km course fro the main street up around the monument at the top and a fast and steep descent down the face to the finish down at the main street. This year prior to the start there was a bit of a rain shower so the green grass became pretty greasy. The race started and there is a pretty hot pace set from the start. I headed off in the front 4 and made my way up the paddocks to the start of the top steep section where I was passed by 2 others. Up around the top of the hill and down to the descent – I pulled out my speed weaponary at the top –my old motocross gloves, these are the key to sliding and jumping your way down the steep face over thistles, rocks and drops in the ground. I made up to 4th place on the descent through my out of control descent, great fun but a bit borderline on injuring myself, coming off this slope with a few nasty scrapes and bumps on the old back side! Anyway a fast blast down the paddocks to the finish I was overtaken again by the two guys who had got me on the top slopes. A pleasing blast up and down the hill and completely spent.