This site is a record of the multisport, triathlon, Kayaking, Running, biking and other endurance events and races I compete in.


Naseby 12hr MTB 14th April 2012 from the side line..

Naseby is a fantastic little village in this great place we live in! Naseby has a huge selection for some fantastic MTB trails, Weather and just general atmosphere... The Naseby 12 hour MTB Challenge is a massive event attracting all sorts of riders from about the place. I am still in recovery mode from my recent surgery but did manage a good day out on the side of the trails with my Camera (another interest and passion is a bit of photography). I spent several hours around a few different locations of the trails snapping shots of riders. A good fix on biking while in recovery mode, not long now until I will be back on the bike and enjoying this stuff again. Check out some of the images I have snapped in the slide show below from my other webpage.

Kidney Salvage (23rd March 2012) and Recovery.....

Well after completing the Rail Trail Duathlon and then the Motatapu Xerra Tri in late Feb & early March I was scheduled to have some pretty major surgery to repair my left kidney that was not doing what it should have been. Lots of ongoing side and flank pain over the last 6months, the pains aggravated with longer sessions of running and biking and drinking lots of fluids.. several scans and a visit to a urologist confirmed tha tthere was some sort of obstruction in the drainage of my left kidney and possibly a renal artery needing to be moved.... so putting full trust in my Surgeon up at mercy Hospital he got in and carried out a 3 hour operation titled as a 'renal pyleoplasty'. After 3 hours of open surgery he had successfully moved and re attached one of the arteries and removed and rebuilt part of the renal pelvis drainage system. So 5 days in hospital with all sorts of hoses and monitors along with a 20cm wound on my tummy side from where the surgeon went in. So a good month of rest has now passed and things are slowly healng as they should, the removal of a stent in another couple of weeks and a scan and I should be good to start resuming some exercise and build back inot things from there with no more niggles form the left kidney!
The very tender wound healing up as it should.