After a very early start to a Sunday morning 5.15am!!! after watching some exciting Rugby World Cup games on Saturday I was up and getting all fed and ready for the Dunedin Marathon. This was to be Marathon #7 - I don't quite know why I go back for more with these but it is always a good challenge for the body. I think after each one prior to this I have said no more of these pavement bashers i'll stick to multisport as I have usually suffered a bit in the final kms of previous Marathons.
Today's Marathon I had taken on some words of wisdom I have received from some seasoned older Marathon runners. It is a 32km warm up for a 10km run effort of all you have after this! I started with this in mind and my plan for the race was to run at a comfortable pace for the first 30km and see how things felt from there and then give what I had left from there. With some careful pacing at the start and not taking off and chasing too many at the start knowing that I would pass some of them doing the mighty marathon shuffle in the later stages of the 42km run.
I passed the half way mark in 1hr 40min and was feeling fine, and this carried on for the next 10-12km. From about 34 km things started to feel a bit heavier and harder to keep up the same pace i had held earlier, but no signs of any cramping at all. I had ensured that I kept hydrated and fueled up with regular Leppin shots, a Banana and a bar at the 25km mark. So nearing the end I caught a few who had taken off earlier, I gave all I had to the last kms of the race and finished up in a time of 3hrs40min not my fastest time ever but very happy with this, I felt completely exhausted at the end but not totally destroyed from head to to like in previous Marathons.
So all up a great run.3hrs40min26sec, 23rd Open Man and 65th from 221 runners. more pics and full results available at