Well this year’s Goldrush was going to be no easier than any other year. The stunning yet challenging terrain stays unchanged waiting with the weather to deal to competitors in the 3 day 375km race consisting of Kayaking, Mountain biking, Running and Cycling.
This year’s Goldrush was my 2nd time competing as an individual and 4th time in total. After completing it as an individual in 2008 and having to miss it last year I was back and keen to have another challenging weekend. This year’s Goldrush training has been based around balance – Balancing a good family life with Cherie and Oscar(who is just 5months old now) and making sure I fitted in enough training to get by and feel happy with my efforts and performance but not wanting to let it take over other priorities in life. Life is a busy time these days and time is a valuable resource!
This year the numbers at Goldrush were down a little on my previous years at the event. There were 103 teams and 17 individuals, There was definitely a good depth of talent in the reduced field and still a great atmosphere amongst competitors and supporters.

Day 1 – Started with eh 30km Kayak to Roxburgh Dam – A good solid paddle and once I was on the water I set into a solid paddle stroke and made good time on the way down to Roxburgh – Coming into Roxburgh Dam in Just under 2 and a half hours and having the 19th fastest paddle overall I was happy with this. Onto the MTB and it was a solid grind up over the Knobby Range into a pretty stiff and relentless head wind through top the summit before a quick descent into Little Valley coming off the MTB in around 2hrs4omin and then onto Stage 3 and the final stage for Day 1 – the Run.

A good Honest 18km run up over some good sized hills to the Upper Manorburn Dam area. I had kept the run in my mind throughout the MTB and not wanted to be completely cooked for the run. Onto the run I made my way to the top of the first big hill climb before it levels off a bit and then set a good pace to get through the run in just on 2hrs. All in all it was a solid Day 1 finishing In 5th place of Open men’s, this was the place I would hold for the duration of the race. After a good feed and a massage we headed back to Alex for the luxury option of showers and beds at a friends place.
Day 2 – After a good sleep it was an early rise and off out to the start line for Day 2. The first stage was a MTB ride thought what I think is some of the best scenery of the whole race – 10minutes into the ride I felt a solid hit to the rim on the back wheel from a rock – yes sure enough it was hard enough to puncture my rear tyre, so I guess it was a 10minute loss on time here fixing this and losing sight of the guy in 4th place who I was hoping to stick close to for Day 2, anyway nothing much you can do here other than stay cool , fix it up and carry on happily! Off the MTB in around 2hrs 30 and onto the road bike for a Quick Spin down the road to the start of Stage 3 the Rail Trail Run.

The Road cycle for me is a good time to spin out the legs and load some food into the system before the run and last MTB stage of the day. Onto the Rail trail Run and feeling good on the legs running – set into a good pace running with a team runner and knocked the 15km run out in 1hr15min which felt good.

It was now time for the crux of the Day – the 58km MTB through Thompsons Gorge to Tarras. This is a tough stage for all, especially Individual Competitors as it is at the end of a big biking day, has a pretty solid and steep climb and this year like most others we had a strong westerly head wind. Mental toughness comes into play here big time and keeping positive and just chipping away at it worked for me, It didn’t make the stage any easier though! Coming into Tarras after a 3hr20min ride and a total day time of just on 8 hours I was pretty exhausted! Another good feed, massage and back to the luxury of showers and bed along with some more tasty treats and food in Alexandra and it was rest up time for Day 3!!

Day 3 – Well day three arrived and it is always a little harder to get up and into it each day. After a pretty solid thunder storm and rain it stopped and began to clear for the early start in Tarras. The first stage was a Road cycle up to Albert Town via Hawea Flat – We started in waves like every other Day - Today our wave took off like we were in a sprint finish of a race – needless to say me and a couple of others were quickly dropped from the impressive speed that Dougal Allan and Gav Mason were setting today just like all other days! After the Cycle it was into the Kayak for the 40km paddle down the Clutha River – Paddling is something I enjoy and is a relative strength compared to other disciplines. However my Kayak training has mainly consisted of paddles on the Waikouaiti river and a few splashes in the surf in the race boat for some simulated rough. It had been 2 years since heading down the Clutha, I remembered the river well having paddled it a lot in the past and really enjoyed blasting down the river through the occasional bouncy rapid and made a good solid paddle of this coming off the river in just on 2hrs30min. A quick transition into the running shoes for a short run up the my road bike before heading down the road from Tarras to Clyde. I was onto the bike and feeling good with the though of the end getting closer. You wouldn’t believe it though – Good tyres, correct pressure… another puncture – a small sharp stone had worked it’s was through to puncture the tyre – oh well another 10minute delay in quickly changing this before getting away and making my way to Clyde for the last stage of the run. I got off my bike and onto the run to give it all I had left to blast to the finish in the 13km run. I was working as hard as I could here and managed to pass 13 other runners – of which most were teams – this was good for the mind and motivation at this stage of the race, I was completed the run in just on 1hr and that was the end of Goldrush 2010 – A solid 3 days of competing in a great area. Overall finishing 5th Open Man and around 60th form the 120 teams and individuals I was happy with my achievement and the fact my body handled the demanding physical challenges! A little slower overall from my last Goldrush in 22hr30min – I put this down to some of the winds and maybe puncture time. Overall though a great race!! Back again for more at some stage!