Well a few hard people (or completely crazy) headed out to Mac Bay yesterday in the wet miserable weather to race the Mac Bay Multisport and duathlon race. it was a 5km Kayak, 15km MTB, 5km Run. I had a solid paddle cranking along with Matty G until the end where he put 20-30 m into me coming out of the water so i was in 2nd onto the MTB and held close till top of Castlewood road hill by Larnachs Castle and then was caught and passed by Ray Hope so sat in 3rd for the rest of the race, coming down the paradise track was wet and greasy riding, I was taking it pretty easy and not too crazy down here due to the whole in my hip and skin still repairing from the race 2 weeks ago!! off the MTB and a good solid 5k run to finish 3rd. behind Matty G in First and Ray in 2nd.
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